
Dataplate specifications
Ranger, 4-door sedan, Dark Aqua with Snow White
Silver vinyl/black cloth interior

292 Ranger V8, Mile-o-matic 2-speed transmission, 3.10:1 axle ratio
Edsel number 736391 manufactured in Louisville, KY on May 7, 1959

Information as of:  March 2005

Owner:   unknown (online auction car)
Location:   San Jose, California
Owned since:   unknown

Mileage:   unknown
Condition:   Body shell and frame
Originality:   New red/white paint

Accessories included:   unknown

There is no engine, transmission or trim.  The dash is intact.  The exterior was recently painted red and white and looks great.  There is a dent in the front passenger side bumper area, under the headlights.  It was pushed into something when moving it around our lot.  Currently registered non-operative, and looks like it has been in California its whole life.  Tires look great, but the interior needs to be replaced.

(Submitted by Matt McLaughlin)

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