"E-475" 410cid 345bhp V8
Edsel number
700011, manufactured in Los Angeles, CA on August 15, 1957
Baldwin Auto Wrecking
Jan 2002 - Phil Skinner adds:
South Rialto, California
Owned since:
Accessories included:
Sept 2000 - Kenneth Goodwin writes:
"I saw an ad for four Edsels for $350.00 in the San Bernardino paper, when I went over to
look at them the owner had two '59 Four Door Sedans and a '59 Two Door Sedan, all Rangers,
and this 1958. He had saved these cars out over the years from the cars brought in to be
scrapped. The reason I remember this particular car is that I got all excited because it
was "the 11th Edsel built". The last driver had hit something solid with the right
front of the car in the sixties and it was totally destroyed. You could stand where the
right front wheel should have been, and the engine was up under the dashboard. I called
a friend in the Edsel Owner's Club and he explained that the car wasn't worth
repairing. He also said that there were mix-ups in the numbering and there probably was
more than one "11th Edsel built". I went by the area a couple of weeks later and the
cars were gone. I am certain they were scrapped (but did not record the assembly plant
code at the time)."
"Back in the late 1970s, the late Dennis Irving operated Baldwin Auto
Wrecking and had over 150 Edsels on his property. One of the cars was a
Citation 4-dr hardtop, all white with a black roof, black trim (code
AA), and with a build date of 15H. It was X8JX700011. It sounds almost
like the same car except that the person who reported it to the registry
said it was a Corsair."