edsel.com: Contacts


Here you'll find the current listing of Edsel connections, both on-line and off-line.
Each has a short description, so you can contact those who can most benefit your
search for Edsel answers, parts, cars, etc.  If you know of an Edsel-related link
that should be included here, or if you find that one of the links listed is no longer
valid, or if you just want to email Edsel.com for anything, visit the Contact Page.

Quick Links to Edsel Contacts

The "E-Team"
Edsel Web Sites
Edsel Part Sources

Related Automotive Sites

The E-Team

There are a number of die-hard Edsel fans that go beyond being simply Edsel owners.  People who have a specific fascination with one particular piece of Edseldom, and have demonstrated an ability to answer nearly any question directed toward that field.

The "signature series" of Edsel experts listed below have offered their knowledge as a resource, to assist with specific requests that you may not have found resolution to elsewhere.

This is

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Edsel World Wide Web Sites

Edsel Owners Club Home of the Edsel Owners Club, Inc.

International Edsel Club Home of the International Edsel Club

Smith Motors Smith Motors: Tons of Edsel history & photos at this 1958 dealership!

Robert Mayer Robert Mayer Edsel Sales & Service, and home of The Edsel Club

Mike's Edsel Page Mike's Edsel Page

Roadside America View the Edsel collection of Hugh Lesley in southeastern Pennsylvania.

Berend Dales' Edsel Page Edsel site for the Netherlands

EOC Sweden EOC Sweden är en ideell förening, för personer med intresse av bilmärket Edsel.

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Links to Edsel Newsgroups and Web-Rings

The Edsel Lovers E-mail Group
Online discussion board for everything Edsel, hosted by Yahoo!

The Edsel Web Ring
A list of other key Edsel sites on the information superhighway.

Links to Edsel-Related & Classic Car Sites

The Vintage Car
  The Vintage Car
  Useful information on the running, restoring and maintenance of your auto

  Classy Edsel shirts by journalist/photographer David Holzman.

  A club for owners and admirers of the Ford Family of Fine Cars.

  Your classic car community, with Edsel ads and links.

  Cars.com   The Internet contact for everything automotive.

Doidos por Clássicos   (Crazy for the Classics)
Portuguese website dedicated to classic cars and classic car enthusiasts.

In the spirit of the original Edsel ads that proclaimed "They'll know you've arrived when you drive up in an Edsel!", this unique limousine service puts the slogan into practice.  They have a 1959 white/cream Edsel and her name is Wedsel.  The business is located on Long Island, NY.  To book a reservation, contact wedsel@optonline.net today!

Great source of on-line classified ads for cars, clubs, events and more.

The Classic Car Marketplace
Bringing Classic Car buyers and sellers together, one car at a time.


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